
It's in the Genes

This story contains violence. If this bothers you, hit the back button and read no further.

Blood is Thicker

Taker stared his twin sister in the eye. What he saw there wasn't much different than what he had seen when they were both children. Belligerence, defiance, an almost obsessive protectiveness of 'her own', the only thing he saw new in her eyes was madness. Madness coupled with absolute rage. The kind that never goes away, just slips beneath the surface for a short while.

"So what's the big deal? What earth-shattering thing are you wanting to tell me?" Matiya asked, leaning forward on her elbows and arching her eyebrows.
Taker was uneasy about how she was going to react. He wasn't ready to fully admit to himself that he wasn't sure he could handle her anymore. "Kane." he said simply. Matiya flinched at the name.
"What about him?" She said, her tone guarded.
"He's alive. He's in the WWF with me."

Matiya's face didn't change. Taker thought he might actually have misjudged the situation when the glass his sister was holding promptly shattered in her grasp. She jumped out of the chair so fast that the chair fell over behind her. She still said nothing. She paced the kitchen floor, Taker could hear the spatters of blood from the wounds she received breaking the glass. She didn't seem to notice. Suddenly, she swung around on him so fast it startled him. Blood flew thru the air, droplets of it kissed his cheek in a warm spray. Pointing at him she said "YOU...Kane is with you!"
"Yes," Taker began, "he works for the same..." but was cut off by Matiya who shouted, "NO NO! He's WITH in he lives here too?"
"No, Matiya, he doesn't live here." Taker wiped her blood from his cheek and looked at the smear across his palm. As he looked, she grabbed his hand and squeezed. More blood oozed from the cuts and dribbled over his hand as well, covering them both. Making them look as if they were undergoing some odd ritual.
"Why?" she asked.
Taker made no move to pull away from her, in fact he tightened his own grip on her hand.
"Because, he doesn't want to. He thinks I did it."
Matiya leaned very close to her brother. Their foreheads touched. They stared into each other's eyes without flinching. She whispered "You didn't tell him who REALLY did it?"
"I've barely told him anything. Not like he'd be surprised anyway. He knows how his sister was. We all did."
Matiya pulled away from him and seemed to withdraw into herself. Finally she pointed at Taker with her bloody hand again and said "You take me to him. I want to see him!"
Taker shook his head. "It's not that easy, sister. He's not exactly...stable. Looks like we all turned out a little unstable. What HAVE you been up to all this time anyway?"
She growled at her twin, was he trying to be smart? "Well, first I was Miss America. Then, after saving the lives of starving children in Africa..."
Taker interrupted her. "Cut the shit, Matiya. How many people have you murdered? You think I don't know what you're capable of?" She just sat there smiling. "You want me to reintroduce you to our pyromaniac little brother when you can't control yourself either? What do you want from me? What do you want from him?"
She knelt in front of her twin and took his hands in both of hers. Her eyes filled with tears, her brothers were the only people on this earth she'd ever show this kind of emotion to. They were the only ones she'd ever care about, or deem worthy to show it to. "From you I want unity. From Kane, I want forgiveness. I love you...I killed for you, to get to you. Don't deny me the sanctuary of family. That's all I have left. It's all that matters to me!"

Taker kissed the back of his sister's hands. He realized she was insane, and dangerous, and probably by now a mass murderer, but she was all he had also. He smiled a dark smile and told her "Sister, I deny you nothing!"

Taker decided to keep his sister with him until he could arrange some kind of meeting for all of them. She wasn't alone in wanting to make ammends with Kane. He knew he handled the situation with his brother very badly, and regretted it. Perhaps this was the way to bring them all together again. This was going to take a lot of time and patience though. He knew he had the patience to make things work, but Matiya? She was very much a 'right now' person.

He found out over the course of the next few weeks that Matiya was the one that had attacked Steve Austin in his hotel room. Steve maintained to everyone that someone had been behind him when he opened the door and attacked him from behind. Steve also said he believed there was more than one person involved. Taker had to crack a smile at that one. He knew Steve didn't want to admit one crazy woman had done all that damage. What Taker wasn't clear on was why Matiya beat the crap out of Steve? How did he attract her attention anyway? When he posed this question to his sister she just grinned and said "He was lousy in the sack." He decided that was way too much information and decided not to pursue it further.

Matiya was becoming bored sticking around the house out of sight. She had been resting and getting her strength up. She had also been using his gym setup and she was becoming even stronger. Sis was getting awfully big. That created new problems. She started asking to go with him on his wrestling travels. She also was getting very impatient about meeting with Kane. She accused him of not even speaking to Kane yet. He had, in fact, spoke with Kane on a few occasions. Kane was not receptive to anything he had to say and just didn't trust him. When he told Matiya this, she got very angry.

"Why don't you just cut the crap and take me to him? I'm capable of talking to him! Damn! You act like you're some mediator or something! So far you haven't done shit but keep me shut up here and him in the dark there. We're all family. You promised me we'd all be able to sit down and talk together and so far all I get is excuses! I want some results, dude!"

At this point Taker lost his patience with her and yelled, "I'm doing the best I can! You nor Kane realize the consequences of your actions and you expect me to get you two in the same room? Here you drop back into my life and you think everything needs to just go your way? You are wanted by police everywhere, there's hundreds of people searching for you. Do you think they'll just forget you? It's been by luck alone that you came this far and here I am, a public figure, and I'm harboring you in my home!"

Matiya crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the wall a bored expression on her face. "Oh yeah...well check it out, Mr. Fame and Fortune, you've had me here a nice long time. If you screw up and let me be found now, you'll be going to the slam with me. Both of us will be behind bars and Kane is still going to be alone. How long do you think it is before he gets loony enough to do something crazy and gets locked up too? You're sitting on a real powderkeg here, man. You need to move the proceedings along." She pulled on her boots and continued "As for me? I'm outta here for a little while. Got something I want to do."

She headed for the door and Taker grabbed her arm. "What if you're seen? What if they find you?"
Matiya put on a pair of shades and turned to look at him. She pushed the glasses down her nose, peered at him over the frames and gave her twin an evil wink. "I won't get caught! I'm the purity of evil! Besides, you and I have this knack of slipping away when we need to. Don't we?" With that she was out the door.

The next morning Taker caught the local news. The top story was about a robbery of a liquor store about twenty miles away that occured the night before. The cash register had been cleaned out and the two employees were found dead in the office. Their severed heads were found sitting next to each other on the counter next to the lottery tickets. Undertaker stared at the TV for a few minutes before bursting into his sister's room. "What did you do?" he growled as she was startled out of sleep.
"Wha? Oh, guess you heard. Damn fools wouldn't sell me any beer. Gave me crap about not having an ID. The bitch was rude, so they both got attitude adjustments." she leaned over and lit up a cigarette, blew the smoke in his direction, "I know you like JD so I picked you up some."
He stared at her incredulously. "You killed people. Robbed a store. Twenty miles from here."
She got out of bed and tried to walk past him, "So f***in' what! I was bored. I needed something to do. Shit, all I wanted was a six pack of beer! They're the ones that gave ME trouble, now get out of my way. I gotta whiz."
"You're going to bring attention here if you do that again, you better get a damn grip on it!" he said.
Matiya turned around and said "Then get me out of here. It's time. We both know it." She brushed past him and continued down the hall. He decided some time off might not be a bad idea. She was too restless and he couldn't have her repeating this incident so close to home. It was time to work on his 'family' situation.

Matiya was satisfied to hear this bit of information and promised to keep a low profile for a bit longer while Taker worked on Kane. It proved to be more easily said than done. Matiya demanded to go along with him on one of his visits with Kane. "I'm not wanting to get out of line. I'm just wanting to see him up close! Come on, I won't talk to him or anything."
"The last time you got around my co-workers, Matiya, you tangled with Steve Austin. I can't have you mixing with them. That will mess things up."
Defensively, Matiya replied "I've met that Midian guy! Nothing happened to him! He kept his mouth shut too."
"You came out of the closet at him with a butcher knife." Taker reminded her.
"That was before I knew who he was! For all I know he was in here trying to rip you off!" she nudged her brother gently and slyly added "You told me you'd never deny me anything, remember?"
He nodded and said "That's true, but we have to go about this right. Carving my co-workers isn't going to get us all any closer."
She frowned. "I can behave! For real! Take me with this time. You said you got him to talk to you about me the last time!"
"I did, but he doesn't know that you're here. Kane has to be introduced to things slowly or he withdraws."
"I just want to see him, Taker. All I have is the damn TV and that's crap."

Her twin relented and decided to allow her to come along. This would prove to be a very big mistake on his part. Undertaker knew she was fiercely protective of him. He didn't realize that same jealous protection extended to Kane as well. He also didn't give any thought to the fact that their little brother Kane was beginning a relationship with another person. He knew about it, but dismissed it completely. He was so preocupied with the task of reuniting his tattered family that outsiders didn't figure in at all.

He didn't tell Matiya about Kane's 'girlfriend' Tori because it seemed totally irrelevant. That kind of stuff was just fringe information to him. Had he known the consequences of not telling Matiya about Tori, he never would have taken her along at all.

Matiya got her first close peek at Kane several days later at the hotel they stayed at. She saw him from the window and became very excited. Undertaker told her to just stay in the room and wait for him while he went to the arena and spoke with Kane. He said that perhaps the time may even be right for them to meet. She said she'd stay in the room and wait, but in reality she had other plans. She was going to go to the arena and spy, like she did before when she was looking for Taker. She didn't think it would hurt anything. She didn't think he needed to know either.

Kane arrived at the hotel and pulled his luggage out of the trunk. As he made his way to the lobby he felt a very odd sensation. It felt like a cloud passing over the sun. Cold. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He stopped and looked around. Someone was looking at him. Someone he knew. He was aware, as always, that his brother was around. He knew Taker would be there tonight again, trying to make peace with him. He still wasn't clear on why. All of a sudden Undertaker had taken a deep interest in him and in their past. It made him very nervous.

For a long time he wouldn't listen to Taker at all. Whenever Taker would approach him, he'd either retreat to his dressing room if it was close, or deeper into himself if there was no other means of escape. He didn't want to talk about his childhood. He didn't remember any of that anyway. Or he thought he didn't. The last time Taker visited he had mentioned a name Kane never would have thought of again had it not been spoken. Undertaker told him "...we loved you so much, Matiya and I...". Kane finally had a recollection of who Matiya was. She was his sister. He had a sister.

He told Taker he did remember her, but not clearly. In fact he only remembered one thing about his sister Matiya. He remembered that Matiya had Monsters behind her eyes. Lots of them. Sometimes she gave the Monsters to Taker too, but mostly she kept them to herself. Kane was never afraid of the closet monster as a child. He was only afraid of the ones in his sister's eyes. He asked Taker "Did her Monsters die?" Taker was confused by this and decided to continue the conversation another time and just let Kane remember Matiya on his own for the time being.

Kane was very sure of one thing. If Taker's Other Half was still alive, he didn't want anything to do with her. If the Monsters weren't dead, he was sure Matiya was now all Monsters. Even though she had never been cruel to him, he knew she was cruel to other people. This was something he couldn't stand. He was just starting to get his own head together, he certainly didn't want or need any confusion from someone who made him uneasy.

There was something else bothering him too. On the heels of his memory of the 'Monsters' in his sister's eyes he recalled a dream he had a long time ago. There was a lady sitting in a chair watching TV. Kane thought she was watching TV, but when she turned around he saw that she had black holes for eyes. She held up a hand that had a few ragged stumps where fingers used to be. The voice from the television was happily proclaiming that "Doris looked and talked, but didn't touch! You TOO can lose body parts..." the voice droned on as the eyeless woman in the chair opened her mouth in soundless laughter. Kane noted that her tongue had also been ripped out. He woke up clawing at his sheets. The rest of that night was spent with the lights on. He wasn't quite sure why, but somehow he connected this dream to his sister. His sister and her Monster Eyes.

It's in the Genes page one.
It's in the Genes page two.
It's in the Genes page three.
It's in the Genes page four.
It's in the Genes page five.
It's in the Genes page six.
It's in the Genes page seven.
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