
Yunomi’s Story-Book Two

Part VIII On The Turning Away

Yunomi entered the front hall of the stone house, and called out for Reaper. He came out of the library, and hugged her to him so tightly she thought her ribs would crack. For a long time, he just held her, not saying anything. Then he led her to the kitchen, pulled two beers out of the ice box, and sat down at the table with her.

“Nomi, you know why I couldn’t come for you. Carnivean had you well hidden. I searched the Dark Side for you.”

Yunomi grasped his hand. “I know. It was an impossible situation, and my own carelessness got me into it. There was no choice for you.”
“Tell me what happened.”
She told about her abduction, and how Carnivean was hiding her from Reaper and the Angels for his own purposes. Then she could see no way around it. “Reaper, I have to tell you something you may not want to hear, about Kane.”
Reaper’s eyes narrowed. “Did he hurt you?”
“No, no, just the opposite. He healed me when Carnivean injured me.” She changed the truth, just a little.
“Your neck.” Reaper stated.
“Yes, how did you know?” Yunomi asked, startled.
“There’s a burn scar on the back of your neck. I saw it when you were asleep.”
“So you were in my house. I thought I dreamed it until I saw the altar. Thank you for that, my sword is in flawless condition.”
“I’ve watched you clean it often enough. So tell me about Kane.”

Yunomi continued her story, telling how she and Kane had become friends, and how he was willing to reconcile with his brother. She talked about the trust that had developed between them, and that she believed Kane would behave himself if left alone. “I saw Kane’s room, I know what you’re worried about. But he’s learning to control his temper.”
“He’s dangerous, he has no control.”
“Really? And what happened to the trees in front of my house?”
Reaper shot her a glare, then his face became a stony mask. “How did you escape?”
“Kane helped me.”
Reaper nodded. “He needed you to bring me this message. He and Carnivean are trying to set me up again.”
“Reaper, no! Carnivean has little power over him. Kane defied him repeatedly while I was there. He only wants to go his own way, and be left alone.”
“I can’t believe it. Kane can’t be trusted, but he’s fooled you into thinking otherwise.”
“He says you can’t be trusted either.” Yunomi said quietly. She could tell Reaper was getting angry, and wasn’t sure how to handle it. She decided to tell about her escape. Reaper listened without comment, shaking his head when she was finished. “Reaper,” she said, desperate now, “Kane kept Carnivean from raping me. You know what that would have done to me.”
“Kane could have healed you.” Reaper said coldly.
Yunomi’s eyes widened in shock and anger, and Reaper immediately wished he hadn’t said it. But it was too late. He had inferred in a crass and callous way that Kane and Yunomi were lovers.

Tears welled up in Yunomi’s eyes. She stood up and said quietly, “Lord, you well know that you are the only one who could take that harm from me, and now I’m not sure that you would.”
“Nomi, wait!” He stood up as she walked out the kitchen door and slammed it behind her. Cursing, he smashed his beer bottle against the wall. Yunomi heard the crash as she disappeared. She was angry and disappointed, but hoped Reaper would think about what she had said when he settled down.

When she arrived at her house, she got her sword and her spare pack, throwing in a few things. She had decided that she’d better spend a few days at Sandia’s. She worried a bit about Kane not being able to find her, but couldn’t think of a way to let him know where she was without Reaper finding out, too.

Yunomi knocked on Sandia’s door, and it swung open. “Girl, where have you been? I’ve looked all over for you!” Sandia hugged her.
“It’s a long story, Sandi. Can I crash here for a while?”
Sandia looked dubious. “Is Reaper looking for you?”
“Not any more.” Yunomi smiled bitterly.
“Okay, come on in. I’ve got a bottle of Blackjack, you wanna talk?”

Over the Blackjack, Yunomi told Sandia a heavily edited version of the past few weeks, leaving out Kane and glossing over her fight with Reaper.
“Girl, you saved his life! You should go back over there and kick his butt.”
Yunomi laughed for the first time in weeks. “Sandi, he’s the Lord of Darkness! I can’t do that!”
“Yeah, well, and you’re the Sword of Vengeance.”
“It’s all over the Dark Side, girl. You beheaded two Seraphim and cut off a Light Lord’s hand. Everyone’s scared to death of you. They call you the Sword of Vengeance now, like you weren’t scary enough as Reaper’s acolyte.”

Yunomi shook her head. “Shit, that just complicates things. You see what being Reaper’s lover has gotten me. Now the weirdoes will come out to see how tough I really am.”
Sandia smiled and patted her friend’s knee. “You’ve got me for backup. Let’s go shoot some pool.” She suggested that they go to The Reverend’s instead of el Camino so they wouldn’t run into Reaper. The Reverend’s was a bigger, louder place, a few blocks over from el Camino. Sandia was a regular there, and Yunomi was there with her often enough to be recognized. She liked the place because the pool tables were good, the jukebox was eclectic, and they had Pale Rider Ale on tap. All sorts of interesting creatures came in to play pool and pick each other up. Yunomi always had a good time at The Reverend’s.

Yunomi was already drunk by the time they got to the club, and Sandia was concerned to see her continue to drink through the evening. “Dammit, I’m playing like a girl!” Yunomi yelled after missing an easy shot.
“Yeah, well, you’re trashed.” Sandia observed. The conversation quickly degenerated into “F*** you,” “No, f*** you!”, and ended with the two women staggering arm in arm from the club.

Over the next week, this became their pattern. They would sleep all day, then hit the bars at night, usually The Reverend’s. Yunomi would often be too drunk to play pool, instead sitting on the old theater seats along the wall, nodding to the jukebox. Even though Sandia reported to Reaper occasionally, she never mentioned that Yunomi was staying with her. Yunomi never mentioned Reaper at all. She continued to drink heavily, supplementing the alcohol with weed. Sandia was used to partying hard, but was becoming more and more concerned about Yunomi’s state of mind.

Sandia was shooting pool with another friend one night, as Yunomi sat nodding to the Doors on the jukebox. She had smoked before they came to the bar, and had already put away a couple of beers. Sandia looked up from her game to see Reaper stalking through the club. Yunomi had not seen him. He saw her, though, and sat heavily on the seat next to her. Yunomi glanced at him with a stoned smile. “Hey, Reaper.”
“I’ve been looking all over for you,” he growled.
“Yeah, well, here I am.” She continued nodding to the music, not looking at him.
He grabbed her by her by her upper arm and stood up. “We need to talk. Outside, now.” Yunomi staggered to her feet and looked past Reaper to see Sandia readying her cue as if for a fight. She signaled Sandia not to interfere, and allowed Reaper to escort her from the bar. Once they were outside, he pulled her into a darkened doorway. “Why haven’t you been to see me?” he rumbled.
“We didn’t exactly part on good terms last time,” she reminded him.
He touched the tattoo on her breast. “Have you forgotten that you belong to me?”
Yunomi’s eyes glowed with an angry, unnatural light. “No, Lord, I haven’t. But you too are marked.”

He pulled her to him and kissed her hard, wrapping his arm tightly around her waist. Yunomi closed her eyes for an instant, and when she opened them, they were in Reaper’s sanctum.

“Damn you!” she screamed, pushing him away.

An evil smile crossed his face as he grabbed her again and started to kiss her. Yunomi bit his lower lip hard, and he jumped back. He put his fingers to his lip, saw the blood, and smiled again. “Okay, we can play that way.” He tackled her, carrying her to the floor, then knelt astride her stomach, holding her arms over her head. She pulled her knees up sharply into his back, almost knocking the breath out of him. He rolled off of her. “Damn, Nomi! That hurt!”
“Good!” she gloated. “Keep messing with me and I’m gonna hurt you real bad!”

They both regained their feet and stood staring at each other. Yunomi put up her fists and aimed a spinning kick at Reaper’s head. He leaned aside and it grazed his shoulder. Yunomi recovered and launched herself at him, catching him across the thighs and knocking him down. She sat astride him, grabbing his hair and trying to smash the back of his head on the floor. He grabbed her head, pulled her face to his and started to kiss her again. This time she responded, releasing her grip on his hair and kissing him on his face and neck. She slid her hands up under his tee-shirt, pushing it off over his head, and started to kiss his shoulders and chest. Reaper relaxed a little, and sighed with pleasure. Yunomi continued to kiss across his stomach, and when she got just below his navel she bit him hard enough to draw blood. Without thinking, Reaper struck her with a backhand so hard she was sent sprawling against the wall.

Yunomi sat up and put the back of her hand to her split lip. Reaper crawled over to her and pinned her arms behind her back, leaning her against the wall. The look on her face was a mixture of fury, mischief, and lust. Reaper began to kiss her again, tasting her blood but avoiding her teeth. As he kissed her neck and chest, she relaxed somewhat, seeming to give in at last. He released her arms, and she pulled her shirt off over her head.

“That’s better,” Reaper murmured. In an instant, she had the shirt around his neck, twisting it into a noose. He grabbed her wrists and freed himself, then sat back a couple of feet from her. “You never quit, do you?” he said in amazement.

She wiped the blood from her mouth again. “You know I don’t.” Reaper was at a loss. He wanted her badly, but not like this. Her look told him she would die before giving in. Seeing the look of consternation on his face, Yunomi offered “Okay, here’s the deal. I’ll give you what you want if you promise to think about what I want.”
“A reconciliation.” he stated.
“Yes, between you and Kane.”
Reaper shook his head. “Kane can’t be trusted.” Yunomi picked up her shirt and got up to leave. “Wait! All right, I’ll think about it.” He gave in.
Yunomi knelt down beside him. “That’s all I ask,” she said, then gently kissed his bitten lip. It started to heal. She retraced her kisses across his chest and stomach, giving a healing kiss to the nasty bite on his abdomen. Unbuttoning his jeans, she continued kissing him. Reaper closed his eyes, leaned back and whispered, “Nomi, return to me.”

She looked up for an instant, but he didn’t see the hurt and sorrow in her eyes. “In time, my Lord, in time.” she said sadly, and continued her lovemaking.

Hours later, Yunomi lay on her side, gazing with sadness at her Lord as he slept. She knew very well that he had lied to her, and had no intention of considering a reconciliation with his brother. She slipped quietly out of his bed, gathered her clothes and crept downstairs, then dressed quickly and left the house.

When Yunomi got back to Sandia’s house, her friend was in her usual place on the couch, smoking a joint with her headphones on. Sandia saw Yunomi, sat up and turned off her disc player. “Are you all right? I was really worried about you. Damn, girl!” She touched Yunomi’s split lip. “He hit you, that son of a bitch!”

Yunomi put her hand to her mouth. She had forgotten about the injury, and that she hadn’t healed it. “It’s all right, I’ll heal it now,” she mumbled. She did, but a noticeable scar remained on her lower lip. Reaper had hit her very hard. She was bruised and sore, and felt that her heart was slowly turning to stone. Sandia handed her the joint as she sat down. Yunomi took a long drag, and held it for a while.

“So what happened? Did you work things out?”
Yunomi exhaled a plume of smoke into the air. “No, he just wanted to get laid.”
Sandia’s eyes widened in surprise. She had never heard Yunomi speak of her Lord with anything less than respect and discretion. Sandia knew that they were lovers, but Yunomi rarely spoke about that aspect of their relationship. “Uh, I’m sorry,” she finally stammered.

Yunomi took another hit and exhaled. “Sandi, I really appreciate you offering to back me up last night, but please, please don’t ever let Reaper see you defy him when he’s like that. He’d kill you without thinking.”

Sandia nodded solemnly, looking at the fresh scar on Yunomi’s lip.

“If I can crash here today, I’ll move back home tonight. I’ve imposed on you long enough, and I’m not sure it’s safe for you,” Yunomi told her friend.
“Whatever you need to do, girl. You’re always welcome here.” Late that afternoon, Yunomi packed her things and returned to her own house.

Reaper awoke, rolled over and reached for Yunomi. He sat bolt upright at the realization that he was alone. “Damn her!” he growled, dark thoughts of tracking her down and forcing her to return to him racing through his mind. “And if she’s with that lying minion of mine, I’ll cast them both into Hell!” But when he got up and started to dress, his anger tempered somewhat. He put on his bike leathers, thinking how Yunomi’s stubbornness was part of what attracted him to her, and that she only fought so hard when she was sure she was right. But damn it, his problem with Kane was none of her business. Still angry and frustrated, he went to the shed out back where he kept his motorcycle. There was a gate to the Human Realm just over the ridge a ways, and he felt like messing with someone, bad. He started up his bike and roared off toward the ridge.

Yunomi put on her workout clothes and entered her dojo. After a brief meditation, she did kata for almost an hour. Still restless and unhappy, she put away her katana and turned to the heavy bag. She attacked it in a fury, kicking and punching it until she was almost too tired to stand. Sitting on the floor by the bag, she buried her face in her hands and sobbed out her sorrow and frustration, until she had no more tears.

She showered and dressed to go out-baggy jeans, tank top and Doc Martins. El Camino was her choice tonight, since she wasn’t avoiding Reaper anymore. In fact, if he saw her there it might remind him of his promise. Arriving at el Camino, Yunomi went upstairs to the pool room. She ordered a Harp and got into a game of doubles with some acquaintances. The regulars at el Camino knew her well as Reaper’s companion, but she found she was gaining her own reputation as the Sword of Vengeance. Her pool partners made mention of it, but she blew them off.

By late evening, Yunomi was well into her beer. She had sunk into the red vinyl couch in the corner and showed no inclination to move. At closing time, she was passed out, sound asleep on the couch. Bob came upstairs at Laura’s bidding, and took a look at her. He had heard rumors that something unpleasant had happened between Yunomi and Reaper, and decided to let her sleep it off where she was.

Bob was cleaning up and preparing to open the next morning when Yunomi staggered down the stairs.
“Hey, Yunomi, are you okay?” he inquired.
“Yeah, yeah, just fine.” she mumbled, looking around the empty bar, disoriented. “Did I sleep here last night?” she asked incredulously.
“Uh, yeah. You passed out upstairs so Laura and I let you sleep it off.”
Yunomi shook her head. “Sorry, Bob.”
“It’s okay, a lot worse things have happened in here.” He hesitated a second, then said “Um, I know it’s none of my business...”
“Then don’t ask!” Yunomi snapped.

Bob spread his hands in a gesture of appeasement and took a step back. Yunomi put her hand to her forehead, then looked up. “Bob, I’m sorry. You’ve been really good to me since I came to Dark Side. I just...”, She stammered and coughed, then blurted out “Reaper and I aren’t companions anymore.”

“Oh, man, I had heard that, but didn’t believe it. I’m sorry, Yunomi. You’re always welcome here, but please, I gotta ask you not to start anything with him in here. I’ll have to take his side. You understand.”
“Sure, Bob, thanks.” Yunomi staggered out into the day and headed home.

That night, she was back again, waving merrily at Bob as she headed upstairs.
“You want me to keep an eye on her?” Laura asked.
“Yeah, let me know if she starts something, but if she passes out just leave her alone.” He had no desire to get into any sort of confrontation with Yunomi. She managed to get home on her own that night, but spent several more nights on the red couch at el Camino.

Reaper had stayed a while in the Human Realm. They were always up to something, and he managed to keep busy there. He became intrigued with how Humans pierced their bodies, and on a whim got his right eyebrow pierced. He found it made him more frightening to some Humans, and that pleased him. But boredom and restlessness set in, and he returned to Dark Side. There he took up with some Demi-demons he had dealt with in the past. Before he had found Yunomi, he had sometimes sought the company of the savage female creatures for pleasure. But now he left them cowering from the ferocity of his lust, and soon they fled from him.

Feeling empty and restless again, Reaper made the rounds of his Dark Side haunts, winding up in el Camino. He sat at his usual table, drinking stout as black as his mood. About the time he settled in, Sandia was upstairs prying Yunomi off the red couch before she passed out again. Bob had run into Sandia a day or two before, and asked her to see that her friend got home occasionally. Reaper sat in the shadows drinking his stout when Sandia and Yunomi staggered by without seeing him. Some boar faced Orcs near the door started to harass the two women.

“Sot of Vengeance staggers again!” they jeered. Yunomi stopped and lifted her head. The Orcs got up from their table and approached, making threats and lewd comments. Bob rolled his eyes; he was afraid this would happen one night. He glanced at Reaper, who kept drinking, unconcerned.

Just then, Yunomi kicked one Orc in the gut, doubling him over, while Sandia clocked the other one in the jaw. The women then dragged the two Orcs outside to finish their work. Thumps and Orc yelps sounded, then silence. Sandia and Yunomi came back inside, sat at the bar and did a couple of Jager shots to recover their buzz, then left.

Reaper motioned to Bob. “What’s up with that?” He indicated the leaving women. Bob came over and pulled up a chair.
“Yunomi’s been drinking in here for a while. She usually passes out on the couch upstairs, and I’ve been letting her sleep it off. But I just asked Sandia to start taking her home.”
Reaper sat unmoved. “Ask Laura to tell me if she does it again. I’ll be here.”

Bob nodded. He wasn’t sure if this was good or bad for Yunomi, but did as Reaper asked.

The next night, Yunomi rolled in as usual. A couple of hours later, Reaper came in and sat at his table. He was almost done with his pitcher when Laura approached him. “Reaper, Yunomi’s passed out on the couch upstairs.” He nodded and stood up. Laura put a hand on his arm. “Please don’t be angry with her, she’s having a rough time.”

Reaper glared at Laura for a second, then softened a bit. “I’ll take her home tonight.” He turned and stalked up the stairs. Sandia saw him coming, and braced herself. She remembered very well Yunomi’s warning, but still was prepared to defend her. Reaper walked past Sandia without a glance, straight to the sleeping Yunomi. He picked her up like a child, turned and carried her down the stairs and out the back door. Sandia had been unable to move.

Arriving at Yunomi’s house, Reaper carried her into her bedroom, undressed her and put her to bed. He sat on the bed beside her, stroking her hair as she slept. He had not realized how much pain she was in. Locked into his own anger and mistrust, he had left her alone to suffer. He got up and left the house, walking out into the woods. He had a lot to think about.

Kane stood unseen in the shadows around the house, repressing every hateful urge he had towards his brother. He had been amazed to see Reaper tenderly carry Yunomi home and then leave. Kane understood that the Lady was in pain, and suspected that he and his brother were the cause of it. But he didn’t fully understand the numbing power of drunkenness. He had been hanging around Yunomi’s house for several days, but could not reach through her haze with mindspeak. He tried again, and failing, ambled off to his hiding place. He would try to contact the Lady again tomorrow.

Yunomi awoke with her head throbbing and her mouth dry. She had become accustomed to waking up hung over, but today was worse than usual. This has got to stop. She held her aching head. I can’t live this way. She headed for the shower and stood under the cold water, letting it run over her devastated head. Finally, she felt able to leave the shower. She toweled her hair, threw on her kimono, and headed into the kitchen to make coffee. After her second cup, she felt almost normal. She was pouring her third cup when she felt someone in the yard trying to mindspeak to her. Yunomi closed her eyes and focused on the voice. It had been a while since she had heard voices in her head. Only Reaper and Kane could communicate with her that way, and she doubted Reaper would be speaking to her.

“Kane!” she sent. “Come up on the back porch, I’ll let you in.” She spoke the words to allow Kane through the protection spell, and opened the kitchen door for him. She was so glad to see him that she hugged him tightly, almost in tears. Hugs were not something that Kane was used to, but he hesitantly put his arms around Yunomi and hugged back. “Are you all right? how long have you been here? Sit down! Want some coffee?”
Yunomi’s mindspeak came so fast and jumbled that Kane had to ask her to slow down.
“Lady, your head hurts and it’s hurting me. Speak slowly, please!”

Yunomi took a deep breath and tried to concentrate. Mindspeak required more effort than she could manage right now, so she spoke verbally. “I’m sorry, Kane. It’s so good to see you, but my head hurts so bad.” She poured a cup of coffee for him and said, “I don’t have any milk, but there’s sugar on the table.” Kane looked at her quizzically as she handed him the cup, then watched her drink hers. He took his mask off and cautiously tasted the coffee. It occurred to Yunomi that this was probably something new for him. “The sugar will make it sweeter.” She indicated the jar on the table.
“No, it’s good.” He continued to sip from the cup.

Yunomi smiled. Few people could stand her coffee straight. “So what happened after I left? Where have you been staying?”
“I showed Carnivean a pile of ash and bone. He assumed I had burned you up. He was angry, and took me to the Light Realm to tell Iuvart what I had done. They wanted to use the mace on you as revenge for what you did.”
“The mace? That’s what Carnivean used to trap Reaper’s soul. We need to get that thing away from them.”

Kane ignored her suggestion and changed the subject. “You are not with my brother now.”
“No. He refuses to consider your offer of reconciliation. There is no trust in him. He doesn’t even trust me or my judgment anymore.”
Reaching out hesitatingly, Kane touched the scar on Yunomi’s lip. “He struck you.”
Yunomi smiled wickedly. “Yes, but I did my own damage to him.”
Kane looked confused. “You battle like enemies, but still love each other.” Now Yunomi looked confused. “He carried you home last night,” Kane told her.
“He did?” Yunomi was astounded. She had not seen or heard from Reaper since she had left his bed in silence.
“Yes. He carried you in and then left. Lady, why does your head hurt?”
“I drink too much.” Yunomi admitted.
“Because you are sad.”
“I guess so. It’s hard to explain.”
“I should not have asked this of you. I knew my brother would never agree, and it was not right to put you in the middle. How can I make things right?”
“Kane, I have no idea what to do now. I have to stop drinking. It would be easier for me if you stayed here. I promise you’ll be safe.”

When Reaper left Yunomi’s house, he wandered through the woods for a while. His feelings about Yunomi confused him. He had never known anyone so stubborn and infuriating. It was a struggle for him not to use his powers to force her to his will, but he knew he would lose her love and respect if he hadn’t already. And now she was committing virtual suicide rather than return to him. Something must be done, but he was at a loss as to what.

He came to Yunomi’s favorite place in the forest, a huge boulder with a niche in one side that was perfect to sit in. He climbed into the rocky seat, and leaned back against the stone. He thought back over the last couple of months, and how they had come to this. Yunomi had risked everything to save him, and he had abandoned her. Then when she offered a solution to his problem with Kane, he accused her of betrayal. Now she was slowly destroying herself. There was only one answer. He must live up to his promise and discuss a reconciliation with Kane. He tried to shove a century of suspicion and mistrust out of his mind. It would be hard, but he had to try. The pale Dark Side sun was rising when Reaper made his decision. He went to his house for a few hours of sleep before he returned to Yunomi’s. He hoped to get to her before she started drinking again.

Yunomi and Kane continued to drink coffee and tell what had happened to each of them since Yunomi’s escape. Kane had spent the time in the Light Realm. Iuvart was not too displeased about him “burning” Yunomi, but Carnivean was furious. He had broken with Kane, calling him retarded and careless. The Angels didn’t watch him as carefully as Carnivean had, and one day he just wandered off. He had hidden in the woods near Yunomi’s house for several days before he made contact.

Yunomi told Kane about her fight with Reaper, and how she didn’t believe his promise. She tried to explain her drinking, but it obviously confused Kane. She showed him around the house, and gave him the front bedroom to stay in. He would be safer under her protection than hiding in the woods. Now they were deep in mindspeak, Yunomi having recovered enough to manage it. They were trying to decide what their next move should be. Neither heard Reaper come in. He walked quietly toward the back of the house, thinking Yunomi might still be asleep.

Kane saw him first, and leaped to his feet, sliding his mask on in the same move. Yunomi stood up and placed herself between the two brothers, speaking the spell that would prevent violence in her house. “Reaper, Kane is in my house, under my protection.”
“I can see that,” Reaper said dryly. The brothers stood face to face for the first time in a century. Kane growled deep in his throat, an unearthly sound. The tension between them was so great that it became a physical force.

Yunomi felt crushed and breathless, even though neither of the brothers was touching her. Her head was throbbing again. “Stop it!” she finally shouted. “Each of you thinks the other is a monster, and you’re both wrong! Now you can sit down and work this out, or you can both get the f*** out of my house!” Yunomi collapsed in her chair, holding her head and breathing in deep gasps. When she looked up, Reaper and Kane were staring at her in disbelief.

Kane made the first move, cautiously sitting back down in his chair. Reaper moved slowly to the chair opposite, never taking his eyes off Kane. “Okay, good. I’m going in the next room to lie down. You two try and be rational. Don’t make me come back in here.” Yunomi went into her room and lay down on her bed. No sound came from the kitchen. Hopefully the brothers were engaged in mindspeak.

It was late afternoon when Yunomi sat up with a jerk. “Shit, how long have I been asleep?” she muttered, rubbing her eyes. She slipped to the kitchen door and peeked in. Both men were standing, still staring at each other. Kane had not removed his mask. Uh oh, not good, Yunomi thought. Then to her astonishment, Kane and Reaper shook hands. They felt her presence, and turned to look at her.

Reaper spoke. “Kane has agreed to a quest. He will retrieve the Mace of Thanos and bring it to me. After I am assured that it is the true mace, Kane will destroy it.”
“This is the only way you can trust each other? If the mace is destroyed?”

They both nodded. Yunomi took a deep breath. She knew what she had to do. “Reaper, I’d like to speak to Kane alone for a minute.” Kane stepped out of the kitchen, and Reaper watched as Yunomi took Kane’s hands in her own and spoke softly to him. The huge man leaned forward to listen to her, nodding.

He has changed, Reaper thought. In the past, Kane would have burnt Yunomi to cinders, simply because she belonged to his brother. Yunomi stepped back into the kitchen, and Kane wandered off toward the front of the house. When they were alone, Yunomi bowed her head to Reaper and said “My Lord, may I stay with you tonight?”

Reaper smiled his answer and offered her his hands. Yunomi took them, and they disappeared.

Yunomi Book Two, first page.
Yunomi Book Two, second page.
Yunomi Book Two, third page.
Yunomi Book Two, fourth page.
Yunomi Book Two, fifth page.
Yunomi Book Two, sixth page.
Yunomi Book Two, seventh page.
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